An opened laptop computer with charts and metrics, signifying the importance of computing two way and three way lift in marketing analytics.
Market Basket Analysis

Computing Two Way and Three Way Lift

In data analytics, understanding the nuances of computing two-way and three-way lift offers invaluable insights. These calculations reveal meaningful relationships and patterns within a dataset’s products. Two-way lift computation highlights associations between product pairs, illuminating their joint occurrence likelihood. Moreover, three-way lift enables triple-item relationship analysis, revealing subtle consumer behaviors that can fuel impactful marketing […]

What Is Lift in Market Basket Analysis
Featured Market Basket Analysis

What Is Lift in Market Basket Analysis?

Market Basket Analysis is the data mining method that allows the discovery of products purchased together at online and brick-mortar stores. However, when we have a long list of product combinations, an essential question is prioritizing them and learning which bundles are more critical. To solve this problem, we must ask: What is Lift in […]

Market Basket Analysis in Tableau
Market Basket Analysis

How to Conduct a Market Basket Analysis in Tableau

Understanding their customers’ purchasing behaviors is critical to retailers. To this end, Market Basket Analysis is a preferred technique to uncover products purchased in bundles. This post shows an example of how to build a simple Market Basket Analysis in Tableau. Tableau is a relatively new business intelligence tool and has quickly acquired a sizable […]