What Is Lift in Market Basket Analysis?

What Is Lift in Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis is the data mining method that allows the discovery of products purchased together at online and brick-and-mortar stores. However, when we have a long list of product combinations, an essential question is prioritizing them and learning which bundles are more critical. To solve this problem, we must ask: What is Lift in … Read more

Proven 5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Attacks

5 Ways to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks can happen via email, instant messaging, text, or even a traditional voice phone call. Attackers employ various tactics to lure victims, including creating fake websites that ask for login credentials or payment information. Ensure your staff knows what to look for and has a process for reporting suspicious emails. Regular training will also … Read more

10 Data Mining Tools: Uncovering Insights for Business Success

data mining tools uncovering insights for business success

Data mining tools have significantly changed the way businesses analyze their data. With the vast quantity of information available to organizations today, it can be challenging to extract valuable insights from it. Therefore, tools like data mining software come in handy, providing various features to help businesses sift through their data and gain valuable insights.  … Read more

10 AI Apps for Android That Will Boost Your Productivity

AI Apps for Android

For the business leader or entrepreneur, every day can seem like a battle. For example, managing phone calls and text messages, setting appointments, taking notes of conversations and attending meetings can become hectic. Certainly, you get the picture. Even prioritizing your email inbox seems like a daunting task. Wouldn’t it be great if you could … Read more